Title: Designing a Kiosk machine to be placed at a metro station for map navigation

Client: Vending machine manufacturer from Australia

Requirement: Designing the Kiosk machine that has to be placed at a Metro station in Melbourne for people to navigate through the route of metro trains.


  • As the design is an concept based design the inputs are not clear and had to make many assumptions
  • Aesthetics had to be taken at utmost attention as it is an important part of Kiosk designing
  • Profound knowledge of sheet metal manufacturing industry was a must

Software used: SolidWorks 2021

Solution & Approach:

The design team at SCS started collecting the data for the standard parts that needs to be used in the machine. We created a library for all the bought-out items which can also be used for any future design of Kiosks. As we had the limitation of the dimensions of the kiosks had to consult many local vendors to
identify the perfect fit for the internal design of the kiosk. Once the internal parts were decided the outer structure was created taking into consideration the aesthetic of the machine and some proposals for the designs were made to the client for them to select from that.

Quality: We were able to create a vending machine with the required functionality while maintaining 99% first time right.

UI/UX: The UI/UX was developed in such a manner that it would be easy to all the general public to navigate through the route of the trains and train timings.

SCS Services:
Concept design and development
3D modelling in SolidWorks
Manufacturing drawings in SolidWorks
Rendering Services
Creating manufacturing documents

SynnopTech CAD Solutions